Sunday, 29 May 2011

من اقوالي

لا تعبر الكلمات
عن مستوي الامتنان


للمرة الثانية علي التوالي

بجد انا مبسوط جدا

ومفيش حد يسألني ليه

انا فرحان جدا

انا فرحان جدا 

محدش يسألني ليه لانني مش هرد

Friday, 27 May 2011

في ميدان التحرير

العدد حتي الان علي القد

هنصلي الجمعة ونرجع

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

حدوتة مباركية

يحكي ان وان وان ..........
أن السيد الرئيس ذوالطلعةالبهية وصاحب الضربة الجوية قدأصيب 

بنكسة عاطفية لان الموزة القوية اللي اسمها مصر 

هربت مع عيل سيس وبجلبية و

كان دائما ينضرب علي قفاه حتي صار له علامة مائية
والكارثة المئوية انه ياسادة قد اكتشف ان البنت المصرية رفعت قضية بحكم انها بلغت وصارت عافية وصار لها من العمر سبع سنوات بعد سبع من الالفية وقالت في مستندات القضية ان الريس بسلامته تناوب عليها مع رجالته الاغتصاب 30 سنة بلا رحمة او حنيه
ونحن ياسادة ورغم اننا لسنا نتبع جماعة اسفين ياريس
ولا ننتبع جماعة مش اسفين يارييس
الا اننا قمنا بجمع تبرعات فئوية من اجل مصاريف علاج الاززمة النفسية في مستشفي الامراض العقلية ولكم الاجر والثواب يا ولاد المغتصبة المصرية ؟؟

حدوتة لذيذة احببتها Hansel and Gretel The Brothers Grimm

On the borders of a dark forest, far away, there once lived a woodcutter with his wife and two children. The woodcutter was very poor indeed, and the children, who were called Hansel and Gretel, had often not enough bread to eat. Their mother had died when they were very little and the woodcutter's new wife did not care for children, so times were hard for Hansel and Gretel.
As winter came on they grew poorer and poorer, until at last one night the poor woodcutter said to his wife, "What are we to do? There is only one loaf of bread left and I fear we shall starve."
We must get rid of the children," answered his wife. "Tomorrow we will take them into the wood and leave them there. They will never be able to find their way home."
"Oh no!" said the father, "I could not leave them there to starve." "Well, we shall all starve together if they stay with us," answered his wife, "so it will come to the same thing in the end."
And she talked to her husband until she made him promise to do as she had said.
Now, although it was late, Hansel and Gretel were wide awake, for they were too hungry to sleep, and they could not help hearing all the plans that were made.
"Oh!" sobbed Gretel, "we shall be lost in the dark wood, and the wild beasts will eat us."
"Do not cry, little sister," said Hansel. "I will take care of you." And he slipped out of bed and put on his coat.
Then he softly unbarred the door and stepped out on the garden path. The moon was
shining brightly, and the white pebbles on the path shone like new pennies. Hansel stooped down and filled his pockets with as many pebbles as they would hold. Then he went in and crept back into bed again.
The next morning the wife came and woke the children very early. She told them they must get up and dress themselves quickly.
"You shall go with us to the forest today, while your father cuts wood," she said.
Then she gave them each a thick slice of bread for their dinner, and they all set out together. Gretel carried both slices of bread in her apron, for Hansel's pockets were full of pebbles.
Now, as they went along, the father noticed that Hansel stopped and looked back every few minutes.
"Why do you look back so often, my son?" he asked. "If you do not take care you will stumble and fall."
"I only looked back to see my little white cat who is sitting on the roof," answered Hansel. "She wants to say good-bye to me."
"Nonsense!" cried the woodcutter's wife. "There is no cat. It is only the morning sun shining on the wet roof."
But Hansel was not really looking at the cat, for each time he turned around he dropped a white pebble on the road to mark the way which they were taking.
As they went farther and farther into the wood, the road grew more and more difficult. At last the woodcutter stopped and told the children to gather some sticks and make them into a heap.
"I am going to light a fire to warm you," he said, "and then you can rest here until I return."
So Hansel and Gretel sat and warmed themselves at the fire and ate their slices of bread quite happily, for they thought they heard their father chopping wood close by. But the sound they heard was only the dead branch of a tree swinging in the wind. Then, felling very tired after their long walk, they curled themselves up on the dry leaves and fell fast asleep.
When they awoke it was quite dark and the fire was out. The only sound they heard was the hooting of the owls overhead.
"Oh Hansel, what shall we do?" sobbed Gretel. "We are lost in the wood and we shall never be able to find our way home."
"Only wait until the moon rises, little sister," said Hansel. "Give me your hand and I will take you safely home."
And when the moon began to rise and send silver moonbeams to light up the dark forest, the children set out, hand in hand, and found the white pebbles shining like little lamps all the way to the cottage.
"You bad children!" cried the woodcutter's wife, when she opened the door to let them in. "We thought you were never coming home." But their father took them up in his arms and kissed them over and over again in his joy, for he had been afraid that he would never see them again.
Not long after this there came a day when there was only half a loaf of bread left in the little hut. The wife said to her husband, "We are even poorer t}lan we were before. Must we all starve together or shall we take the children once more to the forest, where they cannot possibly find their way home?"
The woodcutter was very unhappy at the thought, but because he had once said "Yes," it was now twice as difficult to say "No."
The children lay trembling in their beds as they listened to these plans, and poor little Gretel was terribly frightened. But Hansel comforted her again and slipped out of bed to fill his pockets with the white pebbles. This time, however, the door was locked and barred. Hansel could not get out and he had to creep back to bed again and think of some other plan.
"Come, get up, you lazy children!" cried the wife next morning. "You are going to the forest with us today. Here is your dinner."
And she gave them two small slices of bread. Gretel put her slice into her pocket, but Hansel crumbled his into small pieces, and these he dropped along the way as he had done with the pebbles. "What are you turning round to look at?" asked the woman. "Be quick and do not linger."
"I was only saying good-bye to my white pigeon who is sitting on the roof," said Hansel.
"Nonsense!" cried the woman. "There is no pigeon. It is only the morning sun shining on the wet roof."
But she did not see that every time Hansel stopped to look back he dropped a crumb to mark the way.
This time they went much farther into the heart of the wood. When the children were tired, their father told them to gather wood so he could make them a fire.
"You can rest until we come back," he said.
So they rested by the fire and Gretel shared her slice of bread with Hansel. Then they grew so tired of waiting for their father that they fell fast asleep.
It was quite dark when they woke. Gretel wept, for she was sure there were wild beasts prowling about ready to eat them up. But Hansel was quite brave.
"I will take care of you, little sister," he said. "And I can easily find my way home, for I marked the road with my breadcrumbs." But alas! The birds had eaten up every crumb and there was not one left to show them the way home. Still they wandered on and on, all that night and all next day, but they only seemed to get deeper and deeper into the forest. They had nothing to eat but a few berries which they found in the wood. When the third day dawned they were nearly starving.
"Oh Hansel!" said Gretel, "I think we shall be obliged to eat the fairy toadstools."
But Hansel held her hand tight and led her on. Suddenly they saw a beautiful white bird sitting on the branch of a tree overhead. It sang so sweetly that the children stopped to listen to it. When it spread its great white fluttering wings and flew off they ran after it as quickly as they could. It seemed to know that the children were following, for it circled slowly in front of them until it stopped over a tiny cottage in the heart of the wood.
And when the children came near they found it was the most wonderful cottage they had ever seen. It was built entirely of gingerbread and ornamented with cookies. The windows were made of transparent candy and the steps of toffee.
"What a feast we shall have!" cried Hansel, standing on tiptoe to break off a piece of the overhanging gingerbread roof. "Help yourself to a pane of candy, little sister, or a step of toffee."
Gretel took a piece of gingerbread in one hand and a pane of hard candy in the other, and sat down on a toffee step to enjoy herself. As they were both eating they heard a gentle voice from the inside of the cottage saying:
"Munching and crunching! Do I hear a mouse
Eating the walls of my gingerbread house?"
But the children answered quickly-
" 'Tis only the wind you mistake for a mouse, And no one is eating your gingerbread house."
Then, as the children went on eating, the cottage door opened and an old, old woman hobbled out.
Hansel dropped his square of gingerbread, and Gretel paused with a mouthful of candy. They were both so frightened they could not move.
"Dear little children," said the old woman, "do not be afraid of me. You are welcome to eat as much of my house as you like. But come inside and I will give you a nice dinner."
Then she led the children in and fed them on pancakes and apple tarts and cream. Afterwards she tucked them into two little white beds. The children felt as if they were in heaven.
But although the old woman seemed so kind and good, she was really a wicked old witch who loved to catch fat little children and kill and eat them.
She had red eyes, which didn't see very far, but she could smell things as quickly as a fox, and she knew when Hansel and Gretel were wandering in the forest. She had built the gingerbread house just to catch them.
Early next morning the old witch went in to look at the sleeping children. She rubbed her withered old hands with glee when she saw how tender and fresh they looked. She would have liked them to be plumper, but that was easily mended. So she seized Hansel with her bony hand, and before he was half awake she thrust him into a little iron cage and fastened the grating in front. Then she shook Gretel roughly by the shoulder.
"Get up, you lazy little girl!" she cried. "You must light the fire and fill the big pot with water and help me to make the breakfast. For I have shut your brother up in a cage and I am going to fatten him until he is plump enough to cook for my supper."
So poor little Gretel was obliged to do as the old witch bade her. And while Hansel was fed on the choicest dainties, she had only shellfish and crabs' claws to eat. And every day the old witch would go to the little iron cage and say to Hansel, "Little boy, put out your finger that I may see how fat you are growing."
Hansel knew that she could not see with her red eyes, so he poked out a bone instead of his finger. And every day when she felt it, she grumbled fearfully because he never seemed to grow fatter.
At last she could wait no longer and she said to Gretel, "You must get up very early tomorrow morning, for there is plenty of work for you to do. I am going to cook your brother for dinner. You must light the fire, heat the oven, and help me prepare for the feast."
Poor Gretel cried as if her heart would break. "Oh, how I wish we had starved together in the wood, or been eaten up by the wild beasts!" she sobbed. "Anything would have been better than this."
"Wishing will not do you much good," said the wicked old witch, blinking her red eyes with glee. "And stop those foolish tears or you will put the fire out."
Gretel went about with a very heavy heart the next day as she lit the fire and filled the big pot with water and heated the great stone oven. And when it was all ready the old witch called to her and said, "I have kneaded the dough and the loaves are ready for baking. Come, little girl, creep into the oven and tell me if it is hot enough."
Now the old witch meant to shut the oven door as soon as the child was inside and bake her for dinner instead of the bread, but Gretel guessed what she meant to do.
"The door is too small and I don't know how to get in," she said. "What nonsense!" answered the witch. "See! It is quite big enough. You put your head in first, like this.
And the old witch stooped down and poked her head inside the oven.
Quick as thought Gretel ran behind and with all her might gave her a sudden push so that the old witch went headlong into the oven. Gretel banged the door shut and fastened it securely.
Then she found the key of Hansel's cage and ran quickly to let him out. "The old witch is safe in the oven," she cried, and they threw their arms round each other and danced for joy.
After that they went into the cottage and opened all the witch's treasure chests. Hansel filled his pockets with pearls and diamonds and rubies, while Gretel took as many jewels as her little apron would hold.
Then, hand in hand, they set out once more to try to find their way home, and very glad they were to leave the witch's cottage behind.
They had not gone far through the wood when they came to a great lake, so broad that it would be impossible to cross it without a boat.
"What shall we do?" said Hansel. "There is no bridge, and I can see no boat to carry us over."
"Look," said Gretel. "I see a white duck swimming out there. Perhaps she will help us."
And she began to sing:
"Little duck, little duck, help us, we pray.
We are two little children who've quite lost their way.
I know you are kind by your gentle quack, quack.
Will you carry us over upon your white back?"
Then the duck came swimming to her at once, quite ready to carry them across. Hansel climbed onto her back first and wanted Gretel to sit on his knee, but she was afraid they would be too heavy for the kind duck, so she waited until Hansel had crossed to the other side and the duck returned to carry her over, too.
And when they stood together on the opposite shore of the lake they found, to their joy, that it was a part of the wood which they knew quite well. They ran along quickly and at the next turning they came in sight of their own little hut and saw their father standing at the door.
The poor woodcutter was overjoyed when the children rushed into his arms. He had never known a moment's happiness since he had left the children in the wood. And now he was all alone, for his wife had died. He held the children in his arms and cried for joy. They told him all about their adventures and how they had escaped from the wicked witch.
"And see what we have brought home!" said Gretel, opening her apron and showing the glittering jewels.
"And look how full my pockets are!" said Hansel, turning them out, until the floor was covered with precious stones.
Now they had riches enough to last them all their days and they would never be hungry again. But though the diamonds and rubies were very precious, Hansel and Gretel thought they were not half as beautiful as the little white pebbles on the garden walk, which shone brightly when the moon came out and bathed them in silver light

will Reading  More  stories when click

Monday, 23 May 2011

انشودة سأل الطفل الحائر شادي::فيديو::

وجدتها علي مدونة صديقة فشكرا لها فلقد ايقظت ما قد غفا

كلمات انشودة سأل الطفل الحائر شادي

مقدمة ....إن براءة الطفولة ، كشفٌ للعوار ... وذاكرة الطفولة ، هتكٌ للأسرار ... وسؤال الطفولة

، فضحٌ للكبار ... وطموح الطفولة ، غرس ٌ للانتصار ... نعم ، هو غريب ، بعيد ، ناء ٍ عن بلاده وهو يرجو أن

يعود ... ولكن هل يدري أين بلاده ُ ، بل هل تدري بلادهُ أين هو ؟

سأل الطفل الحائر شادي .... يا أستاذي يا أستاذي يا أستاذي أين بلادي

( الطفل شادي ) :

إني أسمعهم يحكون .... عن بيتي عن وطني الغائب

عن كرمتنا والزيتون .... وربوع ٍ صادرها الغاصب

كل رفيق ٍ من رفقائي .... يحكي عن وطن ٍ يهواهُ

وأنا وطني ملئ دمائي .... لكني لا ، لا ألقاهُ ، لكني لا ، لا ألقاهُ

( الأستاذ ) :

لا تحزن فالدرب طويلٌ .... لكنا لا نتعب أبدا ً

وإذا كنت اليوم بعيدا ً .... عن حيفا ستعود غدا ً

حقك يستطع مثل الشمس .... وسواعدنا تطلعُ فجرا ً

والغاصب في ليل القدس .... ها هو يصلى النار الكبرى

وستكبرُ يوما ً يا شادي .... لتعانق أرض فلسطين

وترى جند الحق جميعا ً .... حول الأقصى متحدين

سأل الطفل الحائر شادي .... يا أستاذي يا أستاذي يا أستاذي أين بلادي

( الطفل شادي ) :

لا أفهم معنىً للمنفى .... أو أعرفُ أسرار بعادي

لكني أحفظ أسماءً .... أنقشها دوما ً بفؤادي

القدس وبيسانُ وعكا .... واللدُ وذو الكرمُ وحيفا

يحكون كثيرا عن بلد ٍ .... فيه البحرُ وفيه المرفأ

( الأستاذ ) :

تلك ديارٌ أنت مناها .... تشكو من ظلم الطغيان ِ

وقريبا سيفوح ُ شذاها .... من بعد جلاء العدوان ِ

رغم القيد وسجن ٍ مظلم .... رغم نزيف الجرح الدامي

ما دمت بخير ٍ يا مسلم .... ستعز ُ بدين الإسلام

وستكبرُ يوما ً يا شادي .... لتعانق أرض فلسطين

وترى جند الحق جميعا ً .... حول الأقصى متحدين

سأل الطفل الحائر شادي .... يا أستاذي يا أستاذي يا أستاذي أين بلادي

( الطفل شادي ) :

ما أقسى غربة أيامي .... إلا أني غيرُ حزين ِ

أما أنس فبإسلامي .... ويقيني بالله يقيني

من للأقصى يغرس فيه .... راية إسلام ٍ وجهادي

                        ومتى تزدان ُ مغانيه ِ  
بالفرسان وبالعبادِ                        
( الأستاذ ) :

أحسنت سؤالا ً يا شادي .... أحييت لدى القلب الأمل َ

أرضك يا ابن الدين ِ تنادي .... وتراك بعينيها البطل َ

بكلماتك أنت عظيمٌ .... وبكلماتك تفرحني

أعطيت السامع يا شادي .... درسا ً في حب الوطن ِ

وستكبرُ يوما ً يا شادي .... لتعانق أرض فلسطين

وترى جند الحق جميعا ً .... حول الأقصى متحدين

وهذه هي اللانشودة

كلمتين وبس

مبارك ويعني عليه نفسيته تعبانة ومش قابل وﻻ طبيب نفسوانيي علشان كده منتظرين لم حالة معاليه تتظبط وبعدين يتقدم للتحقيق يكون الصيف عدا والجو بدأ يبرد ________عند امه يا ادهـــــ مبارك

الجماعة بتوع امن الدولة مش شامم ليهم ريحة هما ماتوا وﻻ الشعب اللي بقي مابيشمش غير ريحة المشاكل اللي بتطلع علينا كل يوم _____يانهار اسود ده الامن القومي بيسبتنا

احنا اسفين ياريس ___والله العظيم سبع مرات احنا اسفين واحنا وﻻد كلب علشان جرحنا احساسك العالي وقلبك الطيب وطلعتك البهية الجوية علينا ونستاهل تسيب علينا كلابك ينهشوا فينا والف سﻻمة ياريس علي نفسيتك

المجلس العسكري اسم النبي حرسهم وصاينهم هو ليه الشعب بدأ يشم ريحة غريبة قديمة ونسمع نغمة عتيقة علي وزن الاستقرار عايزين نستقر وسنة مستقرة يا جميل ومستقر في المجلس العسكري خيرا من عشرة علي الشجرة ____________صباحوا استقرار لمدة 5 سنوات

في يوم حنين للسنة 8 هجريا اذا اعجبتنا قوتنا وغرنا بالله الغرور وبدأنا نغني حاليا علي مصالحنا واتفرقنا وتقطعنا امرنا بيننا زبرا  اخوان وانصار وسلفية واحرار واحزاب وائتلافات واقباط وكل حزب بما لديهم فرحون ________ماتيجي ننزل يوم الجمعة 27 مايو ونثبت اننا كلنا وﻻد الست اللي اسمها مصر وابونا اسمه النيل

يا مجلسنا العسكري بحبكم جدا جدا خاصة وان والدي عسكري وبقول بالصلاة علي النبي انه من بر الوالدين (((اﻻ تري والديك يقتلهم الاخ مبارك رضي الله عنه بالسرطان والرئة والكلية والحصوات والتسمم والضغط والسكر اللي غلي تمنه وتسكت عن مبارك مقابل كام ملطوش من ابن الملطوشة ______________________وهما كلمتين وبس

اخوكم م.محمد الحسيني
او --سنوحي المصري

Thursday, 19 May 2011

وبعدين معاكم ياناس

رجعت من ميدان التحرير حالا

الناس زعلانة من المجلس العسكري علشان مسك الناس من قدام السفارة
هو الشباب غللطوا ﻻنهم حاولوا دخول السفارة ودي مش ارض مصرية ....ماشي هنعديها
لكن كمان افراجات عن الحاجة ماما سوزان وعمو زكرريا وهلم جرا.................
لحد هنا وهش ....نتحاسب يا اخوانا
مش لو كنتم اخوات اتحاسبوا
الناس عايز تعرف له المجلس العسكري بدأ يفوت
هو في حاجة احنا مش عارفينها وﻻ ايه .....انا شامم ريح شياط

نصيحة لله اقولها للمجلش العسكري ::
اطعلوا كده للناس وقولوا علي بلاطة ان في مصيبة للبلد
قلتم البورصة بتقع .....اشترينا اسهم وقامت ع خير
قولوا في مشكلة في البلد
قولوا في كارثة
وكله هيساعد والله احنا شعب جدعان
والعيال بتوع السفارة يتسابوا ...شدوا ودنهم ماشي بس بسرعة ....بس يخرجوا وبسرعة

وتعملوا مجلس من الشباب يلم الاراء

ويجمع الشباب علي كلمة واحدة
 عايزيين صراحة ووضوح

ونحاسب الظلمة وكفاية شحاتة من الدول العربية مش عايزين نبقي غوازي فرح
وﻻ شحاتيين للعرب

وهكرر كلام نوارة نجم

تقديم مبارك الى محاكمة عسكرية بتهمة الخيانة العظمى
المشير طنطاوي في خطابه لدفعة الشرطة المتخرجة حديثا قال بالنص "طلب منا اننا نفتح النار على المتظاهرين وكان قرارنا بالاجماع لأ مش حنفتح النار على المتظاهرين" لا والشرطة صقفوا.. صقفوا للجيش عشان ما فتحش علينا النار وهم اللي نالوا لوحدهم شرف فتح النار علينا
5- الافراج عن كافة المعتقلين في حادث السفارة الاسرائيلي
6- الافراج عن كافة النشطاء اللي اتقبض عليهم في المحاكمة العسكرية.. خصوصا 
عمرو البحيري
7- وقف المحاكمات العسكرية للمدنيين بشكل فوري
شوفوا الادب؟
شوفوا الاخلاق؟
شوفوا الاحترام؟
عدانا العيب؟ اذا كان على الفلوس بنقول لكم رقبتنا... اعلنوا عن حملة تبرعات وشوفوا المصريين بقى، وبالسلامة استثمارات الخليج الى غير رجعة
وانا نازل الجمعه الجاية 

Monday, 16 May 2011

زمن الفن الجميل

عجبني المقطع الرائع ﻻسماعيل يس والخواجة 

ارجوا ان يعجبكم 

سبع سنوات عجاف وسبع سنبلات خضر

﴿وَقَالَ المَلِكُ إِنِّي أَرَى سَبْعَ بَقَرَاتٍ سِمَانٍ يَأْكُلُهُنَّ سَبْعٌ عِجَافٌ وَسَبْعَ سُنْبُلاتٍ خُضْرٍ وَأُخَرَ يَابِسَاتٍ يَا أَيُّهَا المَلأُ أَفْتُونِي فِي رُؤْيَايَ إِن كُنتُمْ لِلرُّؤْيَا تَعْبُرُونَ ‏﴾‏ (يوسف‏:43)

حُكي ليوسف الصديق ما راه الملك ففسر رؤياه بعد ان عجز المفسرون عن التفسير 

بأنه سيأتي علي مصر سبع سنين من الرخاء والوفرة حتي لينبت الحجر اذا ما القيت عليه البذور
ويعرض يوسف علي الملك ان يمُسك بالخزائن ليستطيع الاشراف علي مصر في  السنوات العجاف ولينقذ الناس 
وتمر القصة وتتوالي الاحداث 
ولكن كهنة امون من ابناء الحزب الوطني لم يرضوا عن يوسف الصديق وثقته في نفسه وحكمته 
فلقد اجمع عليه العامة ومالوا اليه ونبذوا سيدهم ولم يعد تمثال حسني مبارك يلق له بال 
فلقد حاولوا جاهدين 
- الدس له عند المجلس العسكري وحين فشلو في ذلك 
- حاولوا تدمير صورته لدي العامة خاصة ويوسف الصديق قد جمع الناس علي حبه لجماله وحسن ادبه وعشرته للناس  وايمانه بأن لكل مصري حق في ارض مصر
وبدلا من ان يقف الجميع في مواجهة الكارثة التي تمر بها مصر 
وبدلا من ان توضع الايادي وتتكاتف الجهود من اجل المرور بمصر من سنوات العجاف التي اثمرت عن انقطاع امطار العدل الاجتماعي 
وانتشار امراض الأنا والمحاولات المستميتة لنشر الفتنة 
ورغم ان زليخة زوجة الحاكم قد راوضت يوسف الصديق عن نفسه الا انها تابت وانابت 
وقامت بثورة علي نفسها لتتحرر من الاهواء الشخصية والرغبات الدنيوية 
لقد عشقت يوسف واحبت في جماله شباب وفتوه مصر 
ولم يرضها ان تظل علي حالها في الوقت الذي تغير فيه الجميع او يحاولون 
ورغم ايمانها السابق والعظيم باله مصر السابق 
الا ان عشقها للتغيير جعلها تؤمن بانتصار ما أمن به يوسف اجمع خلفه العادة عليها 
ولعل اكثر ما تعجب له الجميع 
فلقد تناسوا ان السنوات العجاف قد بدأت ورغم انهم لم يخزنوا شيئا من القوت والحنطة الا انهم تركوا حياتهم خلف ظهورهم 
وانطلقوا في صراع دام 
فاتباع دين يوسف يريدون ارغام اهل مصر علي التوحيد 

واتباع امون وكهنته يكرهون ما يفعله الموحدون 
وتجاذب الطرفان اتباع يوسف الصديق واتباع امون واتباع الالهة الاخري وجرت الدماء 
وزادت الطين بلة وكل شمس تطلع بيوم جديد علي مجموعه من اتباع هذا او ذاك امام معبد او كنيسة او مسجد 

والقادمون من الكنعانيين الاعراب  لا يعنيهم من مصر سوي (حنتطتها وبترولها وغازها  ) حتي ولو احترقت مصر والمصريين 

وولحديث بقية

Sunday, 15 May 2011

برودة الطائفية ونار الوحدة

ماذا بعد ؟؟؟؟؟

طائفية وحصلت ..
نار ومشعللة وبتاكل في طريقها الاخضر واليابس ..
اعتصامات وتأخير مصالح الناس ومطالب فئوية .........
شيوخ بتصرخ ومش فاهمة يعني ايه تصريحات اعلامية .....
قساوسة  بيولع في الحال بحسن نية ومن اجل الرب  والكنيسة ......

حكومة بتنهي المشاكل الطائفية بالقبلات الحارة وتشابك الايادي وتحيي الوحدةة الوطنية ...

وشباب غرضه الوحيد مصلحة مصر ومن حبه في بلده بيحرقها

ثم ماذا بعد ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

nuclear bomb القنبلة النووية العربية

في اثناء دراستي بالثانوية العامة كنت مبهور بشدة من القنبلة النووية nuclear bomb والقوة الخارقة والطاقة المتولدة من ذلك الانفجار

طاقة ولدت من الطبيعة لكن سوء استغلالها يدمر كل هذه الطبيعة بما فيها صانع هذه الطاقة ومكتشفها

حكي لنا استاذ الفيزياء كيف قامت الحرارة المتولدة من الانفجار بشوي الجلود واللحوم البقشرية فوق العظام في اقل من لحظات في مدينتي هيروشميا  ونجازاكي اليابانيتين في الحرب العالمية الثانية

اتذكر يومها كيف اصابتني قشعريرة ظلت متلازمة معي كلما سمعت هذه الكلمة

صحيح انها طاقة نظيفة جدا لدرجة تنظيف الكرة الارضية من جميع ما عليها من كائنات حية
وهي طاقة متجددة نوعا ما حتي انها تحرق الارض ولا يتم الانتفاع بها قبل 50 سنة من الانفجار

وفي اليوم التالي ورغم انه الجدول الدراسي لا يحوي اي شئ يخص الفيزياء الا انني اسرعت لمدرس الفيزياء بمكتبة المدرسة وحدثته عن انني فكرت في عمل
مضاد للقنيلة النووية Anti-atomic Bomb
وكعادته نظر لي بهدوء وسألني عن الفكرة والية التنفيذ
واخذت احدثه عن فكرتي متباهيا تارة وموضحا باسلوب شبه علمي تارة
وبعد ان انتهيت اوضح لي ان الفكرة خيالية ولا يمكن تنفيذها باي شكل من الاشكال
الا اذا استطعنا منع الانفجار من الاساس لكن اذا بدأ التفاعل الانشطاري فلا عودة حتي تنفذ طاقة الانفجار ويحدث ما لا يحمد عقباه

من يومها وان
اهم معني الخوف الامريكي من ان يمتلك العرب اي شئ نووي ولو حتي نواة البلح

او ان تمتلك دولة مثل ايران اي برنامج نووي وهي تخالف امريكا علي طول الخط

ان الغرب لا يعطي شئ الا اذا كان متأكدا انه لن يضار منها

وفي وطننا العربي لم اسمع عن دولة او كيان عربي او حكومة عربية

تجرأت ان تتحدث عن الطاقة النووية حتي السلمية منها اللهم الا الاستاذ جمال مبارك رحمة الله علي ايامه الذي تحدث عنها من باب الواجب والمنظرة السياسية
 الشئ الوحيد الذي  اعرفه عربيا عن القنبلة الذرية هو فيلم اسمماعيل ياسين "حماتي قنبلة ذرية "

ان الاحترام والصمت الغربي عن كوريا الشمالية
ليس من باب الادب والاخلاق

انما هو من باب التأكيد علي الوجود النووي الكوري

والسؤال يبقي معلقا
هل يأتي علي العرب يوما تكون لديهم

قنبلتهم الذرية ؟؟

Thursday, 12 May 2011

صلاة الجمعه غدا في ميدان التحرير

انا رايح اصلي الجمعة بكرة في ميدان التحرير
حد  ليه شوق في شئ